Height Adjustable Desks Vs Standing Desk Converter.

Height Adjustable Desks Vs Standing Desk Converter.

By now, I’m sure most people will be familiar with what a standing desk is. In case you’re not, a standing desk is really what it says on the tin. It's a desk that allows stand-up work. To those who have never heard of these before I can imagine that the whole idea of stand-up desk working seems rather bizarre, but I can assure you there's a reason.

Standing Desks are a type of ergonomic furniture, the term “ergonomics” basically means that something is designed to work as effectively and comfortably as possible. A great example of this is ergonomic chairs. These really help to improve posture and reduce back pain due to the special ergonomic design. In a lot of cases, these ergonomic chairs are recommended/prescribed for those who have chronic back pains or have recently had spinal surgery.

Back to the point…. Standing Desks. They are somewhat of a new trend however have been around for years. It’s only in recent times that eyes have started to look. A simple search on Google Trends of the search term “Standing Desks” shows this latest interest. 

What's all the hype with Standing Desks?


If you work in an office I’m sure I don't need to say this… sitting for prolonged amounts of time gets a bit much after a while. You start aching, fidgeting, becoming a lot less focused and these are just the short-term effects. The Heart Foundation in the USA even went to the extent of calling “Sitting the new Smoking”... this might be a tad exaggerated but the point is that sitting for long is bad for you. Short-term and long-term. It has many detrimental health impacts, including increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of putting on more weight, decrease in energy levels and poorer blood circulation. The list really does go on. 

Now we’ve mentioned what's bad with too much sitting you can pretty much imagine all the pros of standing up whilst working here and there. It is recommended not to stand up for your whole workday but rather just incorporate it. This can be for as long as you like, in 20-minute periods or whilst doing more monotonous tasks. The benefits of standing keep someone focused, reducing occupational fatigue, increasing productivity and reducing all health risks mentioned earlier. If you are interested more in the topic then you’ll be glad to know I’ve written a whole blog on it! You can find a lot more information on the blog titled “What are the benefits of a Height Adjustable Desk “ or just click on the link.


What are the types of Standing desks?

You might be surprised to know that you can actually get a few different types of standing desks. At ERGO Furniture we specialise in the two most popular, these are “Height Adjustable Desks” and secondly “Standing Desk Converters” also known as “Desk Risers”. As well as these two types, you can also get manually adjustable desks, as well as standing desks that have no adjustability setting. Yes, you either stand up or alternatively you can stand up.


Height Adjustable Desks | Sit-Stand Desks

What is it and why do I want one? Well, it's a whole desk setup, frame and desktop. That's adjustable to different heights. It really does what it says. 

Height Adjustable Desks are electric and can range from having a single motor for those smaller desks all the way to triple motors for the  L-shaped corner desks

As well as differing in the motor count, height adjustable desks can also differ on having a 2-step or 3-step leg system. This difference allows the desks to have differing height adjustability. As expected the 3 step system can adjust higher, with a maximum height reached of 128.5cm, suitable for desk users of 6’7”. The 2 step system has a maximum height adjustment to 122.5cm, suitable for users up to 6’1”. 

When purchasing a desk this height adjustability should be double checked as these may differ between brands and product type.

Standing Desk Converters

Standing Desk Converters are slightly different to Height Adjustable Desks. The biggest difference is, rather than being a full desk setup, these actually require a pre-existing desk to sit on top of. They then are able to convert that desk into a standing desk by adjusting up and down. Typically these are not powered by electric but use gas-assisted springs instead. 

Height Adjustable Desks Vs Desk Risers

Now we’ve cleared all that up, its down to the money question. Which one should I get? A Height Adjustable Desk or a Standing Desk Converter? 

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you which one to get and its rather a circumstantial question. Instead let me ask you some questions that may help you decide. 

What aesthetics are you wanting from your new standing desk?

If you are looking for a relatively standard aesthetic, say black or white then our desk risers come in only those 2 colours.. So, perfect! Our height adjustable desks you have a lot more freedom in your design and they are more customisable. 

We have over 10 melamine desktops to choose, from the standard black, white and dark grey to a timber and ferro bronze finish. 

As well as the desktops, our Lavoro range of height adjustable desks have a wider range of frame finishes. The Lavoro Advance height adjustable desk has frame finish options of silver, black and white as standard choices and also a premium range including chrome and raw steel.

Do you have space for a new Height Adjustable Desk?

This is pretty self-explanatory. Do you have space? If not then a standing desk converter is more likely the solution.

Are you on a budget?

Both our Desk Riser range and Height Adjustable Desks vary greatly in price. Both however are very much affordable. 

Our Standing Desk Converters start from £199.95. The Yo-Yo Desk 80-s, is our smallest model, being 79cm wide and suitable for a single monitor set up. Our desk riser prices range up to £379.95 for the Yo-Yo Desk 120, which is a much larger model and suitable for dual monitors.

In comparison our height adjustable desks vary a lot more in price. This typically depends on the brand of desk, design and the finish. Our most affordable desk is the singled motored Yo-Yo Desk Pro 1. The price for this height adjustable desk starts from just £397.95. With this, you can choose between 3 frame finishes and 10 desktop colours. At the upper end of our height adjustable desks, you can find the Lavoro, Corner Standing Desks with a Raw Steel finish. Prices for this starts from £1170.

Do you want a standing desk with virtually no installation?

All our Standing Desk Converters take minimal installation. The only thing that needs to be done is to attach the keyboard tray using the 8 screws and screwdriver provided. This should take no more than 5 minutes!

All height adjustable desks take a little longer to install however don’t be scared. All our desks are simple enough for self assembly and should take around 45 minutes. If you have some basic DIY skills this should be no issue whatsoever, additionally we also provide video instructions if you wish to use them.

At ERGO Furniture we also offer an installation service for a small charge. This is where we arrange for for one our fitters to come and install your desk for you. Hassle free. If you require this service please let us know before purchasing and we can provide you with a quote. 

If you need anymore help choosing between our height adjustable desks or desk risers then feel free to get in contact via email or phone today. Contact us at: sales@ergofurniture.co.uk

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  • Alex Thorne
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