4 Ways You Can Improve Your Work Health In 2024!

4 Ways You Can Improve Your Work Health In 2024!

2024 is going to be your year! 

Okay let me not bore you with motivational quotes, however, some straightforward changes to your daily life can have a profound positive impact on your work health (and probably overall happiness).

We’ve heard it all before, but hear me out for just 3 minutes. These are all changes I’ve made and feel significantly better for them, whether it's because of them all combined or just one of them having a larger impact, I don't know, what I do know is that something is working!


1. Stay Hydrated. 

Simple right? It’s only drinking water, what's hard about it? Well, we all know what it's like, we wake up, have a coffee or cup of tea and before we know it we’ve had 3 hot drinks, it's passed lunchtime and there hasn’t been a glass of water in sight. We’re busy people and sometimes we just forget to drink water. 

P.s. Unfortunately for all those fizzy drink and artificial drink lovers. In this point of staying hydrated, I’m referring to water specifically. I know a bottle of Coca-Cola hits the spot but that's beside the point here.

Water…. It may be the plain jane of drinks but its really beneficial to you.

  • Stops them dull dehydrated headache you get around 2 pm
  • Removes excess waste in your body
  • Temperature regulation
  • Aids digestion 
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts energy

Your biology teacher was right, water is great and to conclude you really should probably drink a tad more in your day-to-day life.

Two simple tips I can recommend to help you drink a little more…. Get a bottle, and even better if this bottle has measurements. You will then be able to track how much you drink in a time period. Secondly, if you find water by itself boring then feel free to add some fresh fruit. A slice of lemon is delicious and makes for a refreshing drink on a hot day. 

2. Improve your posture

Have a dull back or neck pain most days? Sitting down for too long or stuck in that same position day in, day out? Some simple changes can help you break your monotonous work routine and with a bit of luck you see some positive changes in your posture in no time. 

It’s real easy to become lazy with your posture and let's face it, a lot of time we just sit or stand however we feel comfortable. After time goes by and our complacency catches up with us. We probably realise that we're aching a bit more than we used to and our posture isn't the same as previously. One affordable solution to help with this is a back brace, this is pretty commonplace and can be picked up for as little as £10. It gives you no option to slouch and keeps you sitting straight whether you like it or not. The perfect solution, huh?

Ergonomic working in a lot of corporate offices is becoming a lot more popular. When something is designed to be ergonomic, it simply means that the design allows it to work as efficently/comfortable as possible when being used in action or a workplace. Ergonomic furniture is a known solution to help improve workplace health. The 2 most common pieces of ergonomic furniture are standing desks and ergonomic chairs. Both would undoubtedly have a lot of positives on your posture as well as other countless benefits. Whilst mentioning standing desks it would be rude not to elaborate…

3. Work whilst Standing for an hour a day

Quickly following our advocacy of ergonomic furniture, we thought that standing desks really deserved a point of their own.

Standing Desks aka the future of office working are a thing that we feel strongly about. Standing Desks have countless benefits and we’ll go over some quickly below. If you want to find out more information on Standing Desks then our website is littered with it, but a concise article can be found within our blog.

  • Reduce Occupational fatigue
  • Boost Productivity
  • Increased Energy and Mood
  • Countless health benefits from improving back pain, to reducing the risk of Cardiovascular disease.
  • Improved Focus
  • Burn Calories
  • Improved Blood circulation and posture

When we mention Standing Desks the whole idea is that standing is incorporated into your daily work routine rather than it replacing sitting. Just 1 hour of a day can help switch up your day-to-day work life, improve your focus and overall productivity whilst also having added health benefits. 

Having a Height Adjustable Desk or Desk Riser is a suitable way to incorporate Standing into your daily work routine. Both have their pros depending on the situation/space you have. Getting a Standing Desk is an easy change that can have profound effects on your working day. If you’d like to make this affordable change then please take a look at ERGO Furniture's range of Height Adjustable Desks and Desk Risers

Reducing Stress… As best you can.

I’d love to give you all the tips to reduce stress and magic it away but unfortunately, a lot of work stresses are spontaneous and we have to live it. We can however organise ourselves slightly better to reduce what we can.

One thing that has always really helped me is writing a to-do list the night before. Write it when your memory is fresh instead of when you come in half asleep. Unsurprisingly you remember a lot more than you would 8 am in the morning. Having something this simple can really help with how you are organised throughout the day and that good time management will hopefully lead you to have a lot less daily stress


These are just some simple and basic changes you can make to your day to help improve your work health. You may think these changes are minimal however if done regularly we hope you see the benefits as much as we did. If you have any more questions, feel free to email us at sales@ergofurniture.co.uk

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  • Alex Thorne
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